Can I be honest? This was my first session with boys, and I was nervous! I mean girls tend to come with lots of props that you can add into the picture, they are very smiley, they know how to pose, and they typically have a vision of what they want from the session. The males in my life, at least, are not like that at all. They are drug, against their will, to photo sessions, threatened into a forced smile, and bolt out of dodge as soon as possible!!! I didn't know if I'd be able to keep the boys' attention for the entire session or how in the world I would pose them (I mean, let's face it, posing boys is different than girls!!). Well, let me just say that I was pleasantly surprised.

Tracy, thank you for trusting me to take these pictures of your boys and for sharing this experience with me. Stuart, I really enjoyed getting to know you, and I was so impressed by your relationship with your brother. Jacob, this is your senior year!!!! Be sure to breathe it all in...these moments pass quickly, but the memories you make will last a life time.