Hey y'all! So, this week's blog was all about me practicing with my baby girl. I tried to include the brothers, but they were not so interested in blowing bubbles. I mean, who can blame them when there's a yard full of riding toys, soccer balls, basketballs, baseballs, sticks, and all other types of fun stuff, right???

I don't know about you guys, but taking pictures of my kids is a million times more exhausting and frustrating than taking pictures of other people!!! When I'm taking pictures for a family member, friend, or client, there's someone behind me jumping up and down, standing on their head, and trying any number of other tricks to get the kids to look at me. And, truth is, it usually works. When it's my own kids; however, there's just me. My (amazing) husband tries to help, but usually he's placing them in the appropriate position while I'm singing, tongue clicking, and all out begging my kid to even glance my way...all the while praying that I click the shutter at the precise moment! I imagine I look like something out of the circus. By the end of it all I'm usually flustered, sometimes laughing hysterically, and other times too over it to give a flip. Just depends on the day :)!

Well, this particular day was different. I started out with my normal antics, but quickly tired. Instead of asking my husband to drop her and roll, I decided to go with it. What I ended up with was simply amazing. I didn't get all the "posed" shots, but I did get to practice my angles and focus. The greatest bonus was this shot I got of her waiting for her daddy to blow the bubbles and then her face...the pure joy and excitement as she looked up at him. You can't pose that---lesson learned!

Then I just started sitting and watching, and I captured this one of her blowing bubbles that I absolutely ADORE!!! She put the wand so close to her mouth that, by the end of their fun, she was blowing bubbles out of her mouth. I laughed so hard at her, that I finally caught the attention I'd been wanting so many times before (this day included).

She looked to see what mommy found so funny, and I snagged this straight-on shot of our beautiful baby girl. I learned a valuable lesson today...the motto that I use when I take pictures of other people goes for my family as well. Instead of fretting about the perfect shot, I need to sit back, let them play, let them be themselves, and be ready to click the shutter and freeze precious moments in time that we will cherish for a long time to come. That's my simple goal with every press of the button.
What are you up to this week? Are you doing a Project 52 or 365? Feel free to share below!!
Happy Snapping,
~ Melissa ~
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